
Our Story

To revive Agriculture as a main economic sector in Palestine and contribute positively towards job creation, the Investment Promotion and Industrial Estates Agency (IPIEA), in close collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), initiated the establishment of PALPRO at Jericho Agro-Industrial Park (JAIP) in April 2020, funded by the Government of Japan.

The Center was established as a focal component of JAIP, to provide prime business development services, advance Agriculture and Food Processing sectors, promote export, and help businesses prosper.

  • 2020

    Established by PIPA, in close collaboration with the UNDP and through funding by Japan

  • 2022

    Initiation of services provision to the public

  • 2015

    consulting wp — corporation or family

    Company Description

how can we help you?

Contact us  or submit a business support inquiry online.

Currently, PALPRO channels its energy towards Agriculture and Food Processing sectors, due to their economic potentials as well as the Centre’s location in JAIP-Jericho. In addition, we gives a particular focus on youth- and women-led businesses.

Issa Abuaram
Center Manager, PALPRO

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